Yu Huang

  1. M.S., Computer Science, The University of Chicago
  2. M.S., Zoology/Biology, Western University
  3. M.D., Medicine, Xiangya School of Medicine, Central South University

Predicting Hospitalized Time of Covid-19 Patients

Supervised Machine Learning in Healthcare See publication

See Publication

Explainable Deep Learning in Breast Cancer Prediction

Understanding Convolutional Neural Network Prediction Results in Healthcare See publication

See publication

Explainable Machine Learning for Healthcare

Understanding Machine Learning in Healthcare See publication

See publication

Common Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods for Clinical Text Classification

Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Healthcare Using NLTK, spaCy, TF-IDF, Word Embedding with non-sequence and sequence modeling See publication

See publication

Clinical Named Entity Recognition Using spaCy

A Healthcare Domain-Specific NER Method with spaCy See publication

See publication
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